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About Our Church

Covenant Fellowship is an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church located

in Summerfield, North Carolina. We believe that the Old and New Testaments

are the only word from the one and only living and true Triune God. We

believe that God’s word is “living and active” and “able to equip us for every

good work” that God commands that we do. We consider it our highest joy,

duty and privilege to gather each week for public corporate worship. We

believe God’s word teaches that God’s covenant people should gather

publicly each Sunday to receive His Word through it being read, sung,

prayed, preached and consumed through the Lord’s Supper. We believe that

when we receive God’s Word by the power of God’s Spirit, we are conformed

more and more to be like the Lord Jesus Christ and die more and more to our

sin. We invite you to join us at 6716 Lake Brandt Road. Yes, it is that big

house on the hill! Come join us in worshiping the Lord together!

Home: About

Our pastor is Dr. David P. Smith. David and his wife, Tracy, have three children: Gresham (20), Isaac (17) and Katherine (16). The Smith’s came to us in 2010. David has an M. Div. from Covenant Seminary (’95) and Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (’08), where he completed his dissertation on B. B. Warfield. He is parliamentarian of Grace Presbytery and has served on numerous committees at the presbytery and synod levels of the ARPC. Most recently he served a term on the Erskine College and Seminary Board. He is an adjunct professor of historical theology at Erskine Seminary, where he teaches classes on the Westminster Standards, Old Princeton and Christian Ministry and Nineteenth-Century American Presbyterianism. David taught and coached (cross country, track and wrestling) in high school for fourteen years, and has also taught and coached at the college level. He blogs regularly for Theology On the Go, a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Most of all, he enjoys spending time with his family.

Hector is our Elder. Hector and his wife, Claudia, have three children: Mia (9), Valentina (5), and Elizabeth (2). The Pagan's joined Covenant Fellowship in 2020. Elder Hector Pagan has a passion for Reformed theology, history, technology, and digital media. His fascination with the teachings of John Calvin, Francis Turretin, and other Reformed theologians has made him a student in theological discussions. Skilled in video and photo editing, Hector combines his creativity with his love for history, often producing engaging multimedia content. Despite his age, he embraces new technology and believes in lifelong learning. His diverse interests and dedication to Reformed theology inspire those who know him to embark on their own intellectual journeys.

Services & hours 

Sunday School 
9:40 am


Sunday Worship
10:40 am


Afternoon Light

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